Charges from RollerTrain apparently likes sticking her face right into the bee hive to lick the honey straight off the honeycomb frames, because she’s taken on the “angry young feministas” who disapprove of porn:

In the American porno bizz, blame pushing pisses me off like nothing else. … I don’t buy into victimhood when it boils down to American porn. Not here and not now. I have little sympathy for anyone who tries to score a profit without learning how to score it, especially when you’re trying to score off anything other than your mind.

When your goal is money, you better be damned sure of three things: You know what you’re getting into, you like what you’re getting into, and if the first two things don’t apply, you learn from your failures. Porn or not, we’ll always fuck up. But if you decide not to learn from your own mistakes, especially in something as simple as porn, you choose your victimhood.

Arguing that “porn victimizes the women who appear in it” disrespects and belittles the freedom of choice exercised by the women who appear in porn. I’d say that sort of infantalizing argument does more damage to women than porn could ever dream of doing.