Oh my god, if I had sex toys like these I would want to keep them on display in my bedroom! So many lovelies, so many yummy designs…..

Gorgeous dichroic g-spot dildo

I could convince my mom this is an art glass mushroom if she saw it in my apartment.

Big cyclone dildo

Since this one’s even bigger (I’m squirming in my seat as I imagine it filling me!), it would be even easier to convince somebody it isn’t what they think. Wouldn’t it be fun to be scolding them for their dirty minds while laughing inside!

Glass scribble swirl probe

How many people would look at this and automatically think ‘dildo’? I probably wouldn’t…..but think of how good those raised swirls would feel!

Dichroic Caterpillar dildo

Oh my…..things are getting mighty damp now. Nice and thick, interesting curve, and look at those nubbies. Whew!

rotary dildo
I saved my favorite for last. It doesn’t have the pretty colors (or the expense of dichroic glass!) or patterns that the others here have, but the Victorian-era looks of this toy, and thinking how fiendishly it could be used, have me trembling.

Uh, s’cuse me for a bit…..I need to go take care of something!