Seventeen years ago, on this day in 2002, I posted the first ErosBlog post ever. I linked to a political blog and a risque newspaper photo. Although both links still work, it’s only due to active maintenance on my part and some help from the Internet Archive. (Apparently neither Glenn Reynolds nor The Sun ever got the memo about cool URIs not changing.)

On other anniversaries, I’ve maundered about the decline of blogs and wondered how long ErosBlog would hang on. Not this time. This is a very different blog than it was in 2002, or 2007, or 20012, or 2017. Most things have changed, usually several times. No matter. I’m in a confident place. ErosBlog gives me space to do some things I want to do, and that won’t change while I’m hale. Science fiction author John Scalzi recently marked his blog’s twenty-first anniversary with these comments:

I do still tell people that they should keep their own sites for when whatever social media site they use the most eventually sinks into the Internet’s graveyard, they’ll still have some place to be. The longer I do this, the more I realize this makes me sound vaguely like an Internet Prepper, waiting and perhaps hoping for an online apocalypse that likely won’t come. I don’t mean it that way, honest. Writers and creators should definitely have their own sites, with information about them and what they do, if only for search engine purposes. Everyone else, well. Do what you want, I guess. I do, which is to keep this place running. When Facebook falls, you’ll all still want something to read! I’ll be the last site standing! Bwa ha ha hah ha!

His “joke” about Facebook falling? He’s kidding to be sure, but he’s kidding on the square. Even if megacorporate social media won’t be going away any time soon, lots of people are starting to notice the tarnish on it. In a pornocalyptic era when Facebook bans and silently vanishes people for using “sexually explicit language” or offering sex to their own spouse, my first rule of the internet doesn’t look quite so crazy. And when the huge porn tubes control the vast majority of adult internet traffic, while offering nothing but video clips to weary porn surfers, I can convince myself that even my laziest streak of dirty picture posts makes somebody happy. Plus, look on the bright side: after the suicide of Tumblr, I no long need to worry that I’m “just doing Tumblr cosplay in a costume made out of stale WordPress.” Tumblr porn? Add it to the lengthy list of things that ErosBlog has outlasted!

Seventeen years. It’s a long time to run a website. I am, however, far from done.

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