I won’t pretend that you haven’t probably seen some of these old promotional stills of Sophia Loren in a very thin, very wet shirt from the production of Boy On A Dolphin (1957):

sophia loren wet tee-shirt contest winner

sophia loren wet fisherwoman

sophia loren and her angry breasts

sophia loren shoes a lot of nipple through her wet blouse

It’s true that some of these photos look like the nipples might have been enhanced by the airbrush artist, but a few frames from the movie should dispel that notion:

a few frames of animation of sophia loren getting out of the water and showing a lot of nipple through her thin wet blouse

You will sometimes see versions of these shots with Sophia’s nipples and breasts artificially diminished for publication, not the least on the movie poster:

sophia loren airbrushed movie poster

As far as I know, these are the most revealing photos that she ever allowed, with the stunning exception of her one genuinely topless shoot from 1951..

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