Moral Inspectors Of Bathing Attire

Thursday, April 19th, 2018 -- by Bacchus

Those of you who were fascinated by the tale of poor Louise Rosine, jailed in Atlantic City in 1921 for failing to cover her knees on the beach and for having a bad attitude when confronted about this sartorial failing, may be interested in this related cartoon from 1919 from the other side of the Atlantic:

moral inspectors of beach attire

The caption reads: “It is stated that the Borough Council of St. Prudal-on-Sea have appointed inspectors to see that visitors are properly dressed — from the moral point of view — for bathing.” This appears to be lampoonery; Google has no results for “St. Prudal-on-Sea” or “St. Prudal” or “Prudal” or any related place names. Perhaps a pun on prudes and prudery? I can only assume that the cartoon is mocking the same sort of bathing attire regulations that would, two years later in Atlantic City, lead to fisticuffs and arrests. Thanks to Dara Howley on Twitter for unearthing the cartoon from a May 31, 1919 London Life newspaper.

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