
The Sex Blog Of Record

Archie’s Naked Twister Orgy

Tuesday, July 13th, 2021 -- by Bacchus

Be honest: when you think of a naked Twister game, you always imagine it breaking down into a general orgy, don’t you? That certainly appears to be a concern Veronica is having right now, as she watches Archie and Betty enjoying the game a little too much:

archie betty veronica jughead josie big moose enjoy a nude twister sex party

Artwork is by Cactus34.

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Betty’s Pet Archie

Wednesday, March 14th, 2018 -- by Bacchus

I certainly wasn’t planning to do two “Fetish Archie” posts in a row, but after posting yesterday’s femdom giantess post, I noticed that Paltego at Femdom Resource had found an absolutely precious panel of Betty walking Archie like a dog:

betty walking archie on a leash like a dog

I have not been able to readily source the panel to a specific story and book, which means that the “My own pet?” dialog box could easily be a Photoshop; there are an awful lot of modified comics panels out there. If anybody can place this panel for me in the vast Archie corpus, I’d be indebted!

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Betty And Veronica Take A Shower

Wednesday, December 30th, 2015 -- by Bacchus

It’s what comic-book friends do, right?


The art appears to be signed “DSD”.

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An Orgy In Riverdale

Thursday, July 31st, 2014 -- by Bacchus

All those simmering sexual rivalries, resolved in one good orgy. I’m a little surprised Reggie’s not there, though; I would have thought Veronica would have insisted!


Artist is Aries, who often draws for but I’d guess not in this case.

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Betty And Veronica, Sharing Their Boy

Wednesday, December 11th, 2013 -- by Bacchus

So much of the dramatic tension in the Archie comics could have been eased if Betty and Veronica had ever hit upon this simple solution to their perpetual romantic rivalries. They could have shared!

betty and veronica plus one

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Bikini Fail

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

Enjoy Veronica suffering that fond hope of all young men, the swimsuit failure:

Veronica loses her bikini top

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