
The Sex Blog Of Record

A Not-So-Private Screening

Friday, November 22nd, 2013 -- by Bacchus

That screen to protect your privacy at the doctor’s office, it isn’t good for much if you go to a Dirty Doctor who has surveillance cams in the ceiling:

spied on by hidden cam in the exam room

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Galen Examines His Lesbian Daughter

Tuesday, July 16th, 2013 -- by Bacchus

An ancient medical investigation of lesbianism:

Galen, the second-century Greek physician whose own daughter was a lesbian, according to medieval Arabic writers, is supposed to have examined his daughter’s labia and surrounding veins and to have concluded that her lesbianism was due to “an itch between the major and minor labia” that could be soothed only by rubbing them against another woman’s labia.

From Medieval Arab Lesbians and Lesbian-Like Women by Sahar Amer, in the Journal of the History of Sexuality (2009).

Galen was renowned for centuries as the greatest doctor who had ever lived. But that doesn’t mean he was actually all that good.

Also: readers may remember that Galen’s previous appearance on ErosBlog where his name was invoked as part of a husband’s appeal for buttsex during pregnancy:

Thy size repels me, whilst thy charms invite;
Then, say, how celebrate the marriage rite?
Learn’d Galen, Celsus, and Hippocrates,
Have held it good, in knotty points like these,
Lest mischief from too rude assaults should come,
To copulate ex more pecudum.

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The Inspection

Sunday, November 14th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

I’ve heard some ladies complain fairly bitterly about undignified medical exams, but I’m fairly sure they aren’t supposed to go quite like this:

an undignified medical inspection

Found at Spanking Blog.

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This Might Sting A Bit

Tuesday, May 12th, 2009 -- by Bacchus

Somewhere out there in a dingy clinic in Eastern Europe (also known as Crazy Clinic), a young lady is getting some unwelcome news:

pretty girl gets unwelcome medical news. Pants down!

For reasons best left unexamined, she’s been medically condemned. There’s nothing else for it, she needs a big shot of antibiotics, injected the old-fashioned way. It’s time for her to drop her trousers and climb up on the examining table, face down and bottom up:

pretty girl with bare bottom gets inspected and injected

Meanwhile, her medical professional prepares the injection:

beautiful medical professional prepares a big honking shot

Hold still now. This might sting a bit:

ready to ram home the needle in her bare bottom

Another triumph of medical understatement. Yikes!

ouch that hurts!

Pictures are from here and here.

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Naked Medical Perks

Friday, January 18th, 2008 -- by Bacchus

Just another one of the perks of being a doctor, as imagined in 1950s-vintage lad-magazine cartoonery:

doctor weighing and measuring a naked woman

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