Fatal Sexual Harassment, 1909
Tuesday, April 10th, 2018 -- by Bacchus
Here lies George Spencer, who died on his fifteen birthday in 1909, the victim of some rather spectacular office sexual harassment that culminated in a tragic and fatal accident that took his life:
Atlas Obscura has the story, although they make rather too light of it in my opinion, never once using the word “harassment” and headlining it “Kissed To Death”:
George Spencer Millet worked as office boy for a well-known insurance company in Manhattan. To celebrate his 15th birthday, a pack of stenographers are said to have teased the young George with threats of a birthday kissing spree, promising to execute their love trap once office hours were over. Later that day, they struck, charging lips first at the golden-haired kid who, overwhelmed and panicked, dodged the furies and fell on the floor, crying “I’m stabbed” before he collapsed, unconscious in a pool of his own blood. Confused and shocked by the tragedy of a scene that began as a Benny Hill chase, the office members called an ambulance, but unfortunately George died on his way to the hospital. The autopsy, conducted by a Dr. Lebane, the coroner’s physician, gave the final answer…the fatal wound was due to an ink eraser, a little knife shaped like a bloodletting instrument, that George had placed in his shirt pocket. During the episode, the ink eraser stabbed him right in the heart, and he died from hemorrhaging.
The ink eraser in question probably looked like one of these (images are from a 1909 stationery catalog published by the Collier Stationery Company of Keokuk, Iowa):
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