Fetish Fuel, Cosplay Edition
Thursday, September 13th, 2012 -- by Bacchus
When this went by on The Big Bang Theory my instant thought was “Fetish fuel for more people than Sheldon!”
And then I promptly forgot about it, instead of hunting down a still online and blogging about it. But thanks to the Miracle of Tumblr, somebody else did it for me, with the following commentary:
Damn straight you would. And it would be amazing, educational (for both of you) and after she poured close to 30 years of sexual frustration out on you, used you as a stunt dick for 3 days of unbridled, kinky, cosplay passion — she’d give you a quick nod, hand you a written analysis and show you to the door.
Speaking of which, did anybody see the recent episode of Collection Intervention, the one about the guy with the secretive Catwoman collection and fetish? Did anybody notice that his cute wife would have made an awesome Catwoman, and speculate (as I did) that it’s probably why he fell for her in the first place? If she only knew and was willing to play along (sadly there was no hint in the show that he’d ever even tried to get her into a costume, not even on Halloween) she would absolutely own him.
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