Friday Girl Fight: Jade Vs. Power Puff

Friday, February 19th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

A recent post at Sexoteric reminded me that the Ultimate Surrender style of naked girlfights is just a recent entry in a long and venerable pornographic tradition:

vintage French postcard images of bare-breasted women wrestling

I expecially enjoy the pre-bout photography. These matches always start out so promising: naked wrestlers Ally Ann and Tia Ling, smiling before a bout

Tonight it’s Ally Ann (fighting as “Power Puff”) versus Tia Ling (fighting as “Jade”). Ally Ann looms over Tia Ling, smiling that corn-fed Nebraska farm-girl smile, but I’m seeing more confidence in Tia’s eye’s than in Ally’s. I’ve got bad news, Power Puff: This is one project where “little and cute” is not enough to get you what you want. And make no mistake, these are both tiny women in truth, as the fight card shows:

HT: 5’1
WT: 102lbs
Season record (0-0)
Lifetime record (1-2)
Power Puff
HT: 5’5
WT: 120lbs
Season record (0-1)
Lifetime record (0-1)

Things don’t start out very well for Power Puff:

wrestling girls

I’ll grant Power Puff this much, she does make an effort:

ally and and tia ling struggling for naked wrestling holds

But the fight really doesn’t go very well for her. It’s downhill all the way to defeat…and beyond. Beyond, I say, because at Ultimate Surrender, defeat is always followed by ritual and public sexual humiliation:

Ally Ann loses a naked wrestling match and has to suck the winner\'s strapon dildo

Ally Ann suffers the ultimate humiliation

(Click the last two images to see large versions; click here to see more of the fight.)

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