
The Sex Blog Of Record

Wrestling In Stockings And Pearls

Sunday, September 10th, 2023 -- by Bacchus

Somehow I believe women’s wrestling would be a more popular sport if the uniform was stockings, heels, and pearls, as it seems to have been a hundred years ago:

three naked wrestlers in stockings, hose, and heels

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Rookies At Naked Wrestling

Thursday, May 5th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

These photos are from the recent “Rookie Cup” at Ultimate Surrender. Our lithe contestants are Arabelle Raphael and Lilith Luxe:

naked girl wrestling

nude women wrestle

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Wrestling With Benefits

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015 -- by Bacchus

The thing I’ve always liked about Ultimate Surrender (beyond the naked girls of course) is that sometimes it looks quite a bit like actual wrestling:

nude women wrestling

And then other times, it looks like another kind of fun entirely:

is it wrestling or pussy licking or both

The ladies on the mat this time are Juliette March and Alexa Nova.

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Vintage Nude Wrestling Women

Saturday, December 6th, 2014 -- by Bacchus

Everything new was old first. Women wrestling in the nude? Not even close to being an innovation when Ultimate Surrender started doing it in porn:

vintage postcard women wrestling naked or at least topless

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Grappling (Naked) Like The Ancient Greeks

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014 -- by Bacchus

The hotter the summer gets, the better the naked girl-wrestling at Ultimate Surrender starts to look to me:




The wrestlers are Jayogen and Yasmine Loven. I know it’s been a long time since I linked to Ultimate Surrender, because the site had sort of fallen off my radar. But I was reminded of it while checking out the links at the Kink Sites launchpad of destinations.

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Naked Girl Wrestling

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013 -- by Bacchus

It’s time for simple pleasures: how about some naked girls, wrestling?

nude girl wrestling

nude girls wrestling

Funny how narrow the line is between wrestling and energetic sex, isn’t it?

Pictures are from the most recent update at Ultimate Surrender.

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Strap-On Servicing

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012 -- by Bacchus

By now it’s a venerable tradition that an Ultimate Surrender wrestling match isn’t complete until the loser suffers ritual sexual humiliation at the hands (and often, at the point of a strap-on dildo) of the winner. It’s good to see tradition being respected:

sucking and tit-fucking a strap-on dildo

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Naked Nun Wrassling

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Another auction photo, and isn’t it just beautiful? Bloomsbury calls it “Nude With Nun” but that doesn’t even begin to capture it:

bare pussy wrestling with a half-naked nun


Sex “Journalism” Bingo

Friday, March 11th, 2011 -- by Bacchus

Is there a bingo card we can pull out and play along with, when reading bad mainstream sex journalism? If not, somebody needs to make one. And my first suggested square would be “journalist marvels that people at sexual event look normal / don’t seem all skeevy and perverted”.

I was reminded (not for the first time!) of the need for such a bingo card while reading this article in Salon by an author who attended (with enormous disdain) an Ultimate Surrender naked girl-wrestling performance. (Thanks to Bondage Blog for including the link in today’s bondage links roundup.) The piece includes this magnificent exemplar of the “Gosh, I expected perverts!” genre:

“Not to sound like a prude but: These are clean, attractive, normal-looking people!”

Well, duh! What did you expect, stinky unwashed men in raincoats and clutching bottles of Boones Farm Watermelon Malt Liquor Product?

Sadly the rest of the article was not any better. It’s a limp word salad of discomfort, confusion, and utter lack of recognition that the event — not to the author’s taste — might be fetish gold for its intended audience. Shorter Salon author: “I went to this sex wresting thing, almost by accident, and it was totally weird and it made me uncomfortable.” Even one paragraph of contextual reporting might have helped rescue the article; some words from an enthusiastic fan, a sentence talking about how the Ultimate Surrender fights are marketed as softcore pay-per-view events on satellite TV, something! But no, it’s just “Ugh, what is this? I don’t even…”

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Nude Women Wrestling

Monday, March 6th, 2006 -- by Bacchus

More naked women, wrestling. How does this ever get old?

nude girls wrestling

From Ultimate Surrender. Isis Love and Tory Lane.

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