Hurray, Hurray, The First Of May

Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 -- by Bacchus

There’s an ancient pair of couplets that goes like this:

“Hurray, hurray!
The first of May!
Outdoor fucking
starts today!”

Noted wordplay expert Willard R. Espy in his book Another Almanac Of Words At Play says this is a modernized version of an older folk verse, thusly:

“Hurray, hurray!
The first Of May!
Hedgerow tupping
starts today!”

But, sadly, hedgerows have fallen almost as far out of fashion as that venerable word “tupping”, which anciently referred to the breeding of sheep, but had already become a synonym for “fucking” by Shakespeare’s time.

In honor of this venerable holiday, I offer some anonymous 20th-century outdoor gay orgy art:

large interracial gay orgy artwork

Be sure to click the artwork to embiggen it — something that works more often than most people seem to realize here at ErosBlog.

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