My Porn Research Service In The News

Friday, March 22nd, 2013 -- by Bacchus

Yup — it’s in the sex news! Violet Blue very kindly wrote about my new porn research and attribution service in yesterday’s Sex News post at Tiny Nibbles:

This is real, and he’s… amazing. OG sex blogger (and longtime friend, and longtime co-commiserator about unattributed porn) Bacchus is offering a new service for fun, saying “I Will Track Down The Source Of Your Favorite Adult Photo Or Art And Research It For $5.” People have already paid for his services and had good results. Who knew?

Thanks, Violet!

You want to hear one fun thing that I’ve already realized about my (so far as I know) unique service? Simply, this: From now on, whenever somebody is challenged about their poor porn attribution practices and they start in on the usualsong and dance about how hard it is and how they didn’t know where that picture came from, the entire internet will be able to see precisely how little they cared. We can now put an upper-bound dollar value on it. They cared less than five bucks worth, and now we can prove it!

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