Learn Geography!

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

Back in the 1950s there was a running gag (no pun intended) in John Willie’s Bizarre magazine. He’d run a bondage photograph plus copy exhorting the reader to learn “jiu-jitsu” to avoid such situations:

learn jiu-jitsu

For some odd reason that “Learn Jiu-Jitsu!” tagline popped instantly into my head when I stumbled over this old photograph from the early days of Hogtied.com:

learn geography

Only, of course, it was twisted around: “Learn geography! So you don’t get into this mess…”

Update: After some serious rummaging and searching, I was able to find the Hogtied photoshoot (from 2003!) that this image comes from. The model is Audrey Leigh.

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