Seka, Undressing

Saturday, February 23rd, 2019 -- by Bacchus

I watched this animated .gif of porn superstar Seka undressing for… awhile. No matter how many times she shucks out of this dress, it never seems to get old. Obviously I didn’t watch forever. But I’ll admit I watched for quite a time:

platinum blonde porn superstar Seka undressing in a 1980 porn movie -- animated .gif

The animation captures a few moments from the 1980 classic A Place Beyond Shame, in which Seka plays an international sex symbol who has (briefly, implausibly) lost all her libido. Fortunately, a handy hypnotist helps her find it again. (The thanks of a grateful public, and cetera.)

Click the image below for a larger (1280 pixels) but static view of Seka’s dress removal in progress:

Seka undressing in the 1980 porn movie A Place Beyond Shame

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