Dr. Faustus On The Sequential Sex Podcast

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017 -- by Bacchus

My good friend Dr. Faustus appears on today’s episode of the Sequential Sex podcast hosted by Johnny Jackhammer: A Conversation With Dr. Faustus. Faustus and J-Jack had an animated twenty minute conversation about one of Faustus’s enthusiasms (the absurd erotic comic The Adventures of Phoebe Zeit-Geist) and one of his projects (the Tales Of Gnosis College comics). The success of the interview can be inferred from the fact that they faded out Dr. Faustus in the middle of a proper mad-scientist evil laugh…

young dr. faustus practices physics upon his enemies and tormenters

A young Dr. Faustus practices physics (image source)

I’m not a big podcast listener, but this one would have been fun to hear even if I wasn’t Dr. Faustus’s friend. Recommended! You can download the podcast episode via its Sequential Sex page and perhaps other places. (The Sequential Sex podcast has an Apple/iTunes presence but this episode wasn’t showing yet when I looked.)

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