Any networked system is a dating site if you squeeze it hard enough.

That’s it. That’s the post.

My thoughts on this were inspired by a person on Mastodon who is spinning up a dating instance while anticipating blowback. (There are a lot of crabbed thinkers on Mastodon with narrow ideas about what it should be for.)

I was reminded of the early internet, when everything was a dating site. Usenet newsgroups? Hell yes. Random phpBB forums? Oh, you know it. Blogs? You betcha. Hell, I even remember a flirtation over the campus VAX network while typing away on a VT100 dumb terminal with green phosphors, all the way back in 1987. Any system that brings far-flung people together by wire, yup, it’s a dating site. Yes, even the click-clacking telegraph, circa 1880.