This is, of course, not our first conversation like this. She came up to me at my computer wearing nothing but her towel robe, and tried to get a quick kiss. So of course I reached under the robe and found something to grasp between thumb and forefinger.

Her: “Ow! What’s the matter with you? Let go!”

Me: “I need a better kiss than that.”

After a pleasant interlude, her escape attempt resuming:

Her: “I gotta go get in the shower and then put on my facial lotion.”


Her: What?

Me, grinning:

Her: WHAT?

Me: You gonna make me say it?


Me, grinning even harder:

Her, still clueless: Just say it!

Me, leering: I got your facial lotion RIGHT HERE, baby!

Her: {blushes, flees}

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