Since there seem to be a great many lady readers here who like to talk about the cock, I thought I’d pass this on for discussion. (Me, I don’t have an opinion, or at least any more of one than Ron White’s hapless friend.) The Virgin Slut was musing about penile appearances when she asked (and I can so hear Carrie Bradshaw’s voice when I read this):

If we disregard size, which seems to be the factor that makes or breaks a cock, is there such a thing as an ugly cock? What makes a cock ugly or pretty? Is there an equation for the perfect cock? Like a pretty face, does it have anything to do with symmetry? What about size of balls relative to shaft length? Veiny or not? Cut or un-cut? Does anyone think that any of these factors make one cock more beautiful than another? Theories are welcome, but please let us not rely on the size issue.

The comments are yours — fall to with a will.