There’s a dismissive characterization of democracy that calls it “three wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.” I first heard it in Spoonerian anarchist circles; but these days, Republicans in the USA have their underwear in such a wad about democratic socialism that you’ll often hear the same phrase uttered by Republicans. It’s unclear just what Cthuloid horror they hope to invite into the power vacuum left behind when they’ve chucked democracy out with their dirty bathwater, but nevertheless, here we are.

Of course nobody argues for pure democracy anyway, unfettered by human rights or constitutional checks and balances. That would be madness. This cartoon from the February 1959 issue of For Men Only magazine recasts the “three wolves and a sheep” along gender lines, and illustrates the folly of unchecked pure democracy to boot. These three wolves cast up on the proverbial desert island want to vote themselves a wife:

holding a wife vote

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