The Nymph In My Net: Missing Her
Well, the bad news is, I took her to the airport this morning. The good (fantastic!) news is: she’s coming back soon. Watch this space for for detailed updates, as events warrant.
It was a truly wonderful visit. Truth to tell, we didn’t get out much, although we did manage some sightseeing, a stroll on the beach with great winter views, some meals out with some of my local friends, and a few afternoons snuggled into a window booth at my favorite waterfront restaurant (drinking microbrews, eating appetizers, and watching the winter weather blow by).
Mostly, though, we stayed in. We’re still talking about how many salacious details to share with y’all; this has always been more of a third-party links-and-comments blog than a first-person “here’s what I did last night” sort of place. It might be a good idea to maintain that policy, especially since we spent a huge amount of time cuddling and canoodling and saying happy sappy stuff to each other (with earlobe nibbling for emphasis). This may be among the most vital and fulfilling of human pursuits, but it’s hardly the stuff of which great dramatic storytelling is made. (Although she does have the most tasty earlobes you could imagine.)
Thanks for your patience while updates were few. I’ll attempt to resume normal blogging as I get caught up with stuff I’ve been neglecting. Stick around, this story just keeps getting better!
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Great news that the Nymph’s visit went well – but that’s all we really need to know … keep the best bits to yourself is my advice, this blog is just fine the way it is!
Awww…. Bless the two of you.
The updates we get are cute enough, I’m not going to complain. Glad to see you linking again.
It’s so wonderful to see you this happy.