Unfortunate Mental Images Of Fisting
Er, OK, I realize that there are already some people out there who aren’t prepared to think fisting sounds or looks sexy. If you’re one of them, this may not help:
We first watched a lot of fisting footage we downloaded. Lots of stores here won’t carry fisting titles. Brett called around, blithely asking whether they carried fisting videos as I cowered behind the couch, as if someone were watching or listening. Anyway, I watched the downloaded footage, fascinated yet utterly baffled.. not so much sexually aroused as reminded of the times I’ve reached into the cavity of a turkey or chicken carcass to pull out the giblets. These unfortunate images kept popping into my mind as I put my hand in Brett’s ass.
That’s from Hiromi, at Panties Panties Panties.
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=1281
Fisting is one of my favourite things to do! I’ve only had it done TO me once, and it was like being on an orgasmic cloud for half an hour. Woo. And there’s simply nothing like having your entire hand inside someone’s body–it’s very intimate and sexy.
I had my first experience of fisting my wife recently and, as UberWench says, it was an amazing experience.
Don’t think I’ll be getting her to do it to me, though…
Thanks for the link, Bacchus! And Ed, it’s way harder than you made it sound. We’re working on it. It would be nice to go to a fisting workshop or something; I might check with the local group. Hiromi is squeamish about going to sexual gatherings, but her desire to fist me might be sufficiently motivating!
Brett, I think the secret is that it wasn’t planned. If I’d told my wife what I was going to do beforehand she would have probably been tense and it wouldn’t have worked. But there was no planning, we didn’t even discuss it.
I just started with 2 fingers, then 3 and so on and almost before I knew it my whole fist was in. We didn’t even use any lube – she was *very* wet at the time, though. She wasn’t really aware that my fist was inside her until I told her. All she knew was that something nice was going on down there!
So I think the secret is not to plan it but just let it take its natural course if it seems right at the time.
Sorry to monopolise the comments on this one but I just wanted to add that I don’t mean to imply that fisting is easy. We’ve only done it the once so far, and I don’t know when we’ll get to do it again, if ever. Just tried it this morning and it didn’t work out, so no it’s not easy.
OK, I’ll shut up now….