Tranny Porn
If you’re anything like me, at some point in your life you’ve wondered “What in the hell is up with all the tranny porn? What’s the market for this stuff, anyway?”
Now, “tranny porn” in this sense is a politically incorrect marketing label, roughly synonymous with the more descriptive if no more euphonious “chicks with dicks”. And it’s a big porn genre in its own right, not (apparently, and judging by the shelving arrangements at your average video store) some odd little subgenre in the gay porn section. We’re not talking about something you can only buy under a rainbow flag in the Casto District. No, you’ll find plenty of this stuff in the plywood building with no windows, the one that’s two blocks down County 99 past the travel plaza, just before you get to the grain elevators.
So who’s watching it?
Can’t say. In all my life, I never yet came across anybody who admitted to watching the stuff or being attracted to pretty women with “the meat between the legs”. Until now: Yeah, I like transsexuals, what are you gonna do about it?
Shorter URL for sharing:
(raises hand)
I’d try that. ;)
It’s not tops on my fetish list, but I got a few chicks-with-dicks videos.
So, obviously, people who like prorn with pre-op transsexuals exist in fairly large numbers. They’re just not talking to Bacchus about it.
My guess it that Bacchus dosen’t hang around that many bi men.
I’m also guessing that a lot of self identified heterosexual men get off on this as well. Which proves something, but I’m not sure what.
What Karl said.
I’m guessing lots of straight guys have a certain amount of latent bisexuality in them that is more easily expressed in their porn rental habits than in their actual life. I don’t mean that you have to identify as bisexual or act out on it IRL, but just that the desires are there…5%, 10%, however much.
And for any straight guy who’s orally oriented and honest with himself, fellatio just looks like it’s probably a whole lot of fun. If only those dicks weren’t attached to icky hairy guys.
Attach one to somebody who in all other ways appears female, and voila! Dicksucking made safe for straight guys.
Ali Davis, in her “True Porn Clerk Stories” had an interesting theory about it:
“(I have been given two interesting explanations as to why straight guys like women with penises. The first is that men don’t believe that women like or want sex as much as they do. A chick with a penis, then, is a woman who has a full, hearty, male sex drive and must want sex as much as he does. The second one is almost touching to me: Vaginas are mysterious, and penises are by comparison fairly straightforward and easy to satisfy. A guy knows what to do with a penis, so if a woman has one he can be sure he knows how to satisfy her.”
You can find that quote on Page 2 of her journal: http://www.impr...2.php
“Vaginas are mysterious, and penises are by comparison fairly straightforward and easy to satisfy.”
I tend to agree with this, but then how do we explain the staggering number of women out there who have no clue how to give head well enough to make a guy cum?
I mean, if the penis is such a simple up/down on/off kind of mechanism, then why is it so many women can’t figure out how to flip the damn switch?
What about mostly straight women who dig TS’s? I’m guessing I’m in a super-minority here.
Spot On there, Ray.
What sinboy said.
And then some.
Man, what a nasty bunch we are. I’m very nearly as attracted to pre-op transgendered women as I am to women — they make up about a third of my porn collection. It’s the hairy, smelly guy attached to most dicks that makes me go stone cold.
Also, TwiddlyBits, in TPCS, Allie also mentioned how the TS section was cleverly placed *right next to the straight stuff*, since that’s who rented ’em.. not far away in the gay section where the “straight” guys wouldn’t go!
Man, and I was all set to go to sleep..
You might be, Julie, but OMFG, what little pre optrans/female porn I’ve seen has been unutterably hot.
Hotter still was a guy, a pre-op transexual, and a woman, in all the various permutations.
> I tend to agree with this, but then how do we explain the staggering number of women out there who have no clue how to give head well enough to make a guy cum?
Ray, perhaps she meant that a penis is simple for a MAN to figure out (because he’s familiar with it). What did Elaine on Seinfeld say? “He’s got 24/7 access to it; how can I compete with that?”
Brett – yes, she did. It’s very interesting.
I don’t see them as chicks with dicks so much as I see them as dudes with tits.
I watch anyway and like the sandwich (from bottom: girl, guy, tranny).
First of all, thanks for linking!
Second of all: Wow you’ve got some readership. I fear the images I posted will only be visible for a few hours each day until the traffic dies off. Oh well, that’s the price, I guess.
I’ve had many experiences with transvestites and transexuals. I’ve generally enjoyed them all. A lot of the TS in chat rooms get pissed off with guys and call the guys gays. It’s interesting, because it’s not quite true. I have tried having sex with men and it doesn’t quite work; I like femininity too much. The great thing about TS is that it’s the best of both worlds… sexy face and body, a cock to suck, and most importantly, a male libido…
Most don’t like to admit outside of the porn world that they are in fact turned on by shemales/transexuals. But the funny thing is who are the millions of surfers hitting shemale sites lol? Admit it guys shemales are taboo but can be such a yummy forbidden fruit. :D
I am a straight male but i do admit to being attracted to trannies that look like women. And I probably would have sex with one if i knew that no one would find out. it is a trip i must admit. but i am attracted to women only because boys don’t attract me.
What always surprises me about the whole transvestite/transexual porn genre is that there’s very little made or commented on about the fact that a lot of women who find it sexy, myself amoung them. Imo (maybe I’ve just missed a lot of videos or something) the market’s missing a trick there, and though I find guys with transvestite guys cute, I would really love to watch something with a transvestite guy with a girl for once.