Via Mistress Matisse, this story of undercover vice cops who got handjobs and “anal touching” at a massage parlor before arresting the ladies who provided their services:

On April 27, an officer entered the shop and paid $60 for and received a full “body shampoo,” which included genital and anal touching. The officer returned two other times for massages that also included masturbation — one session with two prostitutes — and again paid for the service.

A second officer also received a massage and was masturbated, according to charging papers.

[Lynnwood police Cmdr. Paul] Watkins says the tactics used during the investigation did not violate department policies.

“We have a very ethical police department,” he said. “This does not violate the ethical standards of our department.”

Police ethics, which you already knew if you ever watched a cop park his cruiser or speed through a crosswalk: “The laws are for you to follow, and do not apply to us. We are above the law.” Got it.