That Sexy Cattle Prod
Somehow Red makes a cattle prod sound like fun. Either it is, or she’s a heck of a good sex writer:
Her hand rubbed over my left bum cheek, over and over again. I felt pussy throbbed as excitement ran through me — anticipation of the jolt to come was giving me an unexpected rush. The I felt the prongs poking my bum — poking, readjusting, poking again. My breath was caught in my throat; it was the point of no return. I breathed deeply. I let the pain wash over me.
I could feel the surge — the peak of the electricity coursing through the muscle. Everything felt funny, like nothing was going to work properly — similar to that numb feeling that happens when limbs fall asleep. My nerves shrieked as the wave of pain washed over me — fast and furious and addictively alluring. I could feel it draining out of me as soon as it began — my jolted nerves sighing with relief. I felt jumpstarted and I felt consumed.
Smiling and giggling uncontrollably, I grabbed at the spot, rubbing it to preserve the tingling. I felt high — my head was floaty and relaxed and alert. Crazed like an addict, I knew I needed more.
Volunteers, anyone?
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Sounds like ECT to me.
When my lover said she’d like to have one to use on me I didn’t have the nerve to buy it. Particularly since Janet Hardy (Greenery Press) warned against them.
But this makes me feel like maybe I should reconsider.