Beastie Art
I’ve got a disturbing drawing for everyone to enjoy. Don’t worry, it’s art, you can tell by the disturbance.
First a detail from the drawing. Not too disturbing, unless you wonder why she seems to cower. You could hope she’s just shading her eyes from the awesome and majestic sight of her lover’s manly prong. But why’s he got her in the empty corner of an empty room? It’s potentially worrisome:
It gets a lot more worrisome when you see the whole sketch, which is by one Czech illustrator named Alfred Kubin, and dates from 1902:
So, is this beastiality porn, or not? And what is that furry critter, anyway? A thousand-pound harmless little flop-eared doggie? I guess it’s safe to say he’s a “beast”, anyway.
You can tell it’s art by the way it grips you with implications, but gives you no way to tell which of the things you infer were actually and deliberately implied by the artist, and which were really just the product of your own fevered imagination.
(This is what happens when you send somebody to a liberal arts college and then don’t make him take any art history or appreciation classes. You wind up almost twenty years later with tiny little art criticism essays that feel like they were block-printed in crayon. Does anybody have the “Flesh” one? The girl in the corner looks a little pale.)
Shorter URL for sharing:
Ludo! Leave Sarah alone! Jareth’ll be back any second.
Mehe, thankyou for destroying a childhood favourite! Puppets don’t do that sort of thing, they’re not anatomically correct! i hope!
Czech circa 1902 eh? Sounds like the Czech women are cowering from the mighty russian dogs..who not only salivated over their conquests, also salivated elsewhere, as the pic implies. My two cents, maybe wrong, maybe right. Mits, off topic here, but I’m sure you heard of good ole pinocchio getting a treat when his lover kept repeating for him to tell her(or him) sweet little lies.
Interesting pic though, and no, I don’t think it classifies as beastialty, but I do feel it has some heavy political or even philosophical implications.
There is nothing better than a picture that makes the viewer want to know, more, know “the story” being shown. My mind imagines all sorts of scenarios with this one.
Alfred Kubin ‘teached’ Franz Kafka to write…