April 30th, 2008 -- by Bacchus
Just Call Him “Copulating Coolidge”
Here’s a tame dirty joke, perhaps rising to the level of an anecdote, about president Calvin Coolidge and his wife:
President Coolidge and his wife were touring a farm. While the President was elsewhere, the farmer proudly showed Mrs. Coolidge a rooster that “could copulate with hens all day long, day after day.” Mrs. Coolidge coyly suggested that the farmer tell that to Mr. Coolidge, which he did.
The President thought for a moment and then inquired, “With the same hen?”
“No, sir,” replied the farmer.
“Tell that to Mrs. Coolidge,” retorted the President.
Via Sexoteric.
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=2248
That is really cute. I can just imagine the dignified older couple giggling about it.
That made me smile.
This story actually caused the effect it describes to be named after President Coolidge. From Wikipedia: “The term Coolidge effect describes phenomena seen in nearly every species that it has been tested in whereby males show continuously high sexual performance given the introduction of new receptive females.”
Uh, yeah. That’s what it says at the place I credited with the story, too.