August 18th, 2009 -- by Bacchus
Proper Ladder-Climbing Attire
From Revelations, a sort of bottom-fetish Tumblr site.
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Heh – when I was 17 and the second time I ever hung out with my wife-to-be, she was locked out of her parent’s house. I helped her wrestle a ladder up to the second story so she could get through an open window. I watched with interest while she climbed up the ladder as she was wearing a skirt. I got a nice eyeful that day!
I will admit that of all of the various fetishes the internet has brought to my attention (many of them tedious, ridiculous, or just flat physically impossible), the panty-hose fetish is the one that confuses me most. If you’re that interested in blocking garments, go all the way to latex and leather. Otherwise it’s just something annoying and unsightly to get in the way. Gah.
I tentatively believe that many “fetishes” like WAM, oil covered bodies, milk, pantyhose, and others may be acting in some way to show relief in otherwise 2D images, or in a pair of 2D images that our brain is trying to interpret as 3D. All these things have surface effects that seem to exaggerate curves. All these things also tickle some interest in me, without really awakening a strong response, and so naturally this explanation works better to explain why I am slightly more aroused than why some are much more aroused. Even with myself, there’s probably about a 50% chance that this explanation is BS, but it is the best I have so far.