January 1st, 2010 -- by Bacchus
Engineers (Don’t) Have More Fun
This picture wasn’t true in 1959 when it appeared on the cover of The Saturday Evening Post, and it still isn’t true. But it remains amusing:
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=4374
It’s one of those things that, at least hypothetically, SHOULD be true. Intelligent men, I.E. nerds and geeks, go on to be more successful than the average high school athlete. From an evolutionary standpoint, intelligence should be the ultimate in sexy. Heinlein proposed that intelligence and beauty should be selected for together, and wrote lots of stories about beautiful and intelligent women. Real world: we just don’t think about things that much, and our standards of attraction are cultural as much as they are biological. We have a culture that needs the products of intelligence, but doesn’t respect it and doesn’t find it attractive.
Our day will come!
Before everybody else beats me to the comment….”Yeah, but engineers have more erections…”
Perhaps he’s not an engineer, but a fighter pilot studying up on the physics that provide the juice to power his plane? Hm…..Intriguing illo nonetheless.
Well, “jet propulsion” sounds kinda’ sexy to me.
Maybe they were ahead of their time? I’m just saying, there’s a lot of hot nerds out there. I married one. ;)
And never forget “Revenge of the Nerds” – “Jocks only think about sports, nerds only think about sex.”
Sorry, it worked for me. Maybe because I also fenced, acted, and got heavily involved in the University’s SF club.
Geeks rule.
Two male engineering students are walking on campus when a beautiful girl riding a bicycle stops beside them, strips naked and says “You can have whatever you want.” The first guy thinks about it, picks up the bike and walks away. Following, the second one says “good choice. I don’t think her clothes would fit you.”
As a side note, I think nerds are quite hot. They just need a little bit of coaching.
My gf actually goes mushy (you can see her get hot and bothered) when I show the power of my brain. Now, I’m also 6’1″, have green eyes, training in massage and have travelled, but no one part of me gets her hot in 10 seconds flat like a good technical explanation. Knowledge is Sexy!
Jet propulsion, eh?
Reminds me of the cocktail called the Concorde. A couple of guys were downing a few in a bar on Columbus, enjoying the glow of the rocket fuel coursing through their veins. Next morning one rings the other.
Guy1 (groggily): Hello?
Guy2. You remember those Concorde drinks we had last night?
Guy1. Oh boy! Yeah!
Guy2. Whatever you do, don’t fart.
Guy1. Why not?
Guy2. I’m calling from Singapore.
Engineers don’t necessarily have less fun…. then again, when you’re in the 10% minority of female engineers, you have plenty to pick from who can excite both body and mind for you. (sounds a little like a Red Bull commercial, lol)
the simple truth that if you look boring…you probably are boring….and engineers ( the ones i know) are and women detest boring
Women who have had long-term relationships with engineers tell me that they are typically rather rigid, but not in a good way…
And of course, intelligent women are valued even less than intelligent men. If the genders were swapped — two gorgeous men hanging off a nerdy woman with her nose in a book — this picture wouldn’t even have been published.
Hmm, the engineer’s eye for details says note the curious crease on his right pant leg, level with the hem of his jacket, and apply a little topographical imagination….
I recognize where he is! That is Blair Arch at Princeton. If that is indeed from a 1950’s SEP, those girls are either townies or what they used to call “imports”, as women were not admitted to PU until Jordan’s Queen-Mother Noor’s class almost two decades later.
I am surrounded by male engineers at my college, and I have dated three of them. In my experience, if engineers aren’t having more fun, it’s not because women snub nerds–it’s because engineers are obsessed with work, and when they aren’t working, they typically only want to talk about engineering! It gets ollllllllllld.