August 20th, 2010 -- by Bacchus
The Naked Chain
I’m not at all sure what’s going on here. But naked people having fun is always relevant to my interests:
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This is what a Human Centipede SHOULD look like.
To (more-or-less)quote Dorothy Parker:
“If all the girls who attended Harvard Homecoming were laid end to end- I wouldn’t be at all surprised.”
I hope that’s not buffalo grass, they’ll get awfully itchy.
Whatever is going on in these photos, it is good to see that the proper rules of etiquette are being followed here. Namely that the ladies have been placed first… er… so that the gentlemen, can admire their shapely backsides…
Maybe this is what Fräulein meant by centipede, but it’s a race of sorts. You can see the clothes in the background from the house. The rule is “how far can you reach” or with more than one team. “who can reach something first”. You have to link whatever you have end-to-end: belts, shirts, socks, pants, naked bodies to reach the goal. It’s a fun game to see who’s really wanting to win.