September 14th, 2011 -- by Bacchus
Holly On Fucking And Feminism
Holly at The Pervocracy:
I’m also a feminist because I like to fuck, and I resent everything and everyone that would make that a secret shame. I fuck not to make marriages or babies but simply to fuck, and I am sick and fucking tired of the government and beer ads and my friends and fucking Cosmopolitan telling me there’s something wrong with that.
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Fuck yes. Too many times other stupid traditions get mixed up with people trying to change things. Reliable contreception allows us to pursue pleasure and orgasms as ends in their own right, rather than an evolutionary cookie for furthing the species.
I get so pissed when a woman says something like, “I’d never have casual sex. I have too much self-respect.” I mean, if a woman doesn’t want to have casual sex, fine, but why does she have to be so self-righteous about it, and why does she have to put down all the sweet, lovingly generous women who’ve had casual sex with me? What the fuck does self-respect have to do with self-denial? I try really hard to respect all women, regardless of their personal values, but sometimes it’s just so dreadfully apparent that some of them totally but into the notion that women can’t own their own sexuality–they’re supposed to keep it in escrow until marriage, when it becomes the property of her husband–and they really think it makes them better people if they deprive themselves of one of the most delightful aspects of being alive. So keep on fucking, Holly! Fuck whomever you want, whenever you want! As an old, over-the-hill guy, I’m here to tell you that the only sexual experiences I regret are the ones I didn’t allow myself to have for some dumb, misguided moralistic reason.