Probably Not Audrey Hepburn Nude
This is all over Tumblr and Pinterest with versions of the same caption: “Audrey Hepburn getting ready for an outdoor bath while vacationing at Côte d’Azur 1956.” I want to believe, and so do you:
My problem is twofold. First of all, posing nude would have been out of character for what I know of Aubrey Hepburn. (And despite several random internet captions suggesting this was a paparazzi shot, it’s posed or I’ll eat that fine lady’s bath beads.) Second, whenever I spot essentially the same caption on a hundred different social media instances of an image, I smell a rat.
Finally, I’ve found a counter-provenance that seems more plausible. The same photo appears here in a collection of nudes (models not identified) attributed to photographer André de Dienes.
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Third problem: Audrey Hepburn was /tiny/ – under 110 pounds throughout her career. The lady in the picture above is a much healthier weight, and has the curves to go with it that Audrey lacked.
Agree with Da Wolfie. AH’s hips were more slender.
It is indeed it!
In 1956, Peter Basch proposed to Audrey a serie of nude photo … Audrey very modest refused ..peter showed him more pictures of nude artists .. After the hesitations, Audrey accepted, provided that it is not recognized not
A first session took place it was necessary to coat the body of Audrey of a film so that one does not see the traces of the jersey, This ennerva Audrey … Audrey was very nervous and did not pose … Peter decides d To stop and apologize to Audrey for disturbing him, he would look for another model
A few days later, it was Audrey who called the Photographer …. … She felt more relaxed … Once again we had to coat her whole body to darken her skin this was done this time in her bathtub But … Audrey still detested that, but it was essential
The shots took place …. Audrey was this time very relaxed … She joked meme, it seems
It was Audrey she meme who chose this photo, the others were destroyed … Yet I found another picture of Audrey similar or we see her face in profile and a breast
This info I got from a magazine I bought in England in the 90s …. I can not find this review again … if a reader
Excuse my english ….I am French!
Googling seems to indicate that this is a photo by Andre de Dienes from 1940, model unknown. You can find more of this series on line, and this is obviously not Audrey Hepburn.