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ErosBlog posts containing "naked twister"

January 12th, 2023 -- by Bacchus

A Friendly Game Of Naked Twister

There really hasn’t ever been a better icebreaker yet invented for a certain sort of party:

abbywinters naked twister played by two cute lesbians

I could be wrong, but I think this is from an early shoot on the Abby Winters site.

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July 13th, 2021 -- by Bacchus

Archie’s Naked Twister Orgy

Be honest: when you think of a naked Twister game, you always imagine it breaking down into a general orgy, don’t you? That certainly appears to be a concern Veronica is having right now, as she watches Archie and Betty enjoying the game a little too much:

archie betty veronica jughead josie big moose enjoy a nude twister sex party

Artwork is by Cactus34.

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January 10th, 2007 -- by Bacchus

Feral Girl Playing Naked Twister

Naked Twister is a perennial favorite here at ErosBlog, but I think I’ve found the largest-breasted exemplar yet seen in the wild. From the new-but-coming-along-fast Titty Blog comes this crouching nude twister-lady with a feral gleam in her eye and some notably pendulous breasts:

naked twister

I’m not sure if she’s planning a fast transition to a game of leapfrog, or if she’s just spotted new prey and she’s poised to pounce.

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April 16th, 2004 -- by Bacchus

The Naked Twister: It’s Real?

There’s a new book out based on an undercover penetration (er, accidental word choice but I’m leaving it) of modern sorority life. And no, there isn’t an account of naked twister in there; I made that up. But the book does contain reports that the rampant sorority lesbianism (or, if you want to step back from the rough characterizations of male pornography and refer more to practices than orientations, we could call it “hot naked sorority girl-on-girl foolin’ around”) that features so largely in the lustful male imagination is, to an extent, real:

I really hadn’t expected to find the level of “Animal House” campiness that I did in some groups. They had a tradition called boob ranking where pledges had just a limited amount of time to strip off their shirt and bras to examine each other topless so that by the time the clock was up, they were basically lined up in order of chest size in order of the sisters to inspect. Some sororities hold what they call “naked parties,” during which after a few drinks sisters and pledges strip off their clothes and basically run around the house naked, some of them hooking up with each other before they let the boys in.

I must therefore deeply apologize for ever believing that the hard-working photographers who produce the LightSpeed Sorority site were doing anything but the most serious documentary work.

November 4th, 2003 -- by Bacchus

More Naked Twister

The site where I found this picture of nude young lovelies playing twister has already gone to the great happy bandwidth hunting ground in the sky. However, by a strange twist of internet serendipity, I’ve discovered the cheerleader porn gallery the pictures came from. And by gosh if it doesn’t turn out that naked twister is hard work! Here the poor girls are shown all tuckered out and resting:

naked twister girls resting after a hard game

Resting up, as it happens, before getting into the hot tub.

Thanks to LightSpeed Sorority for the photos and galleries.

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December 2nd, 2006 -- by Bacchus

Naked Beach Twister

We never get tired of naked Twister:

three friendly nudist women playing naked Twister at a Hedonism beach resort in Jamaica

On a public beach, no less!

Picture via Usenet. Update: A correspondent tells me that this naked twister photo may have been taken at one of the Hedonism resorts (popular with nudists) in Jamaica.

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December 9th, 2012 -- by Bacchus

Messy Twister: It’s On

I wouldn’t have thought naked twister could be improved upon, but that was before I heard of messy twister.

messy twister meme

I guess you could theoretically play messy twister with clothes on. Sure, you could. Hell, people swim with clothes on all the time. But it wouldn’t, I think, be the pinnacle of the sport.

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