Boot Smut

Friday, October 6th, 2017 -- by Bacchus

Yesterday @isabeldrelder tweeted that “@GothCharlotte really likes my boots and the way they feel when I step on her so we made a lil smut” along with two photos, of which this is part of one:

walking on Charlotte Sartre with sparkly boots

We know (because inquiring minds wanted to) that the awesome sparkle boots are Dr. Martens and that “a long ass video” was made and is presumably forthcoming.

Technical postscript: This post begins a transition away from relying upon Twitter’s standard embeds, especially for media. I am starting to notice signs that Twitter no longer reliably serves embedded tweets; see, e.g., two of four tweets in this post from 2012. Although that doesn’t matter for textual content of embedded tweets (which I’ve still got no matter what Twitter does) it does result in loss of any multimedia content.

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