
The Sex Blog Of Record

Vintage Catfight Between Two Blondes

Friday, March 8th, 2024 -- by Bacchus

The cigar-smoking men in New York City basements who flirted with legal disaster by selling kinky photos via back-page ads in pulp magazines back in the 1950s truly knew how to combine a variety of fetish fuels while still somehow keeping their models fully covered. And that’s how we got two blondes in fancy lingerie having a hair-pulling cat fight:

Klaw style vintage cat-fight photo starring two blonde women in vintage lingerie

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Pull Her Hair

Monday, March 6th, 2023 -- by Bacchus

From now on, when I hear someone say something like “he smacked her ass and pulled her hair until she started calling him Daddy” I’m going to picture the scene like this:

hair pulling during energetic doggystyle sex

Photo is from the huge PornPros network.

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Cave Girl Phones It In

Friday, July 29th, 2022 -- by Bacchus

There’s not much about this photo that makes sense, until you understand it’s from a vintage lingerie ad inviting magazine readers to “come out of the bone age, darling” by upgrading the bone stays in their girdles to modern technological materials in the form of “circular springlets”:

woman in lingerie being dragged by a caveman pulling her hair while she cheerfully chats on the phone

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Properly Pulling Kate McKinnon’s Hair

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016 -- by Bacchus

Now that literally everyone is in love and/or lust with Kate McKinnon after her portrayal of the Ghostbusters character Jillian Holtzmann, this 2008 video is making the rounds in which McKinnon serves as a cheerfully enthusiastic demo bottom while porn legend Nina Hartley demonstrates the properly sexy way to pull hair. McKinnon appears incandescently joyful during the first part of the demonstration, and it only gets better from there. When Hartley pulls her close (by her hair, natch) and adds what is either an earlobe nibble or perhaps something something sexy whispered in her ear — or both — McKinnon gets so hot-and-bothered she might as well have melted down right there on camera. She blushes, sweats, gets up, tries to pace it off, knocks over the stage dressing, and in her authentic pleasure is cute and sexy beyond all measure:

(Thanks to commenter Adrian for finding an updated youtube link when the first one broke.)

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Pull Her Hair And Make Her Scream

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

I’m pretty sure that’s the good kind of screaming:

hair pulling screaming anal sex

From this gallery at

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The Boys Who Pull Her Hair

Monday, January 25th, 2016 -- by Bacchus

dragged out of her house by her hair

The “dragged by her hair” photo above has been used all over the web to make an impressive variety of mostly-misogynist visual memes. But Erectus tracked down the true source, at author Tawna Fenske’s blog post titled The boys who live with me and pull my hair:

Another time I decided I wanted a photo of me being dragged by the hair to accompany my final Debutante Ball blog post. A friend offered to snap the picture and approached one of the housemates to assist.

“Would you mind grabbing Tawna by the hair and pretending to drag her out the door while I take a picture?” he asked.

The housemate shrugged. “Sure, as long as you hurry up,” he said. “I don’t want to miss the sunset.”

The phrase, “what for?” never crossed his lips.

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Pulling Her Hair

Saturday, March 21st, 2015 -- by Bacchus


“This is only a sample of what I will do next time — understand?”

This menacing hair-pulling panel is from a page of Fetish Pit by Eneg (Gene Bilbrew) — as seen in its entirety at Pappy’s Golden Age Comics Blogazine.

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Hair-Pulling Faunesses

Sunday, January 19th, 2014 -- by Bacchus

Strictly speaking, all fauns and satyrs were male in classical mythology. But that rule has been relaxed in modern centuries. Female fauns (or “faunesses” as they were often styled) became an artistic favorite:


This is The Little Faunesses by Eugène Grasset.

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Would You Rather Be Right? Or Happy?

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010 -- by Bacchus

Sometimes, being right scores you one “I’m right and you’re wrong” point…and you still come out the big loser.

This sounds like one of those times.


Hair Pulling Blowjob

Saturday, July 15th, 2006 -- by Bacchus

Here’s a 70s sex cartoon by Bill Ward that features fab fashion and a good old-fashioned caveman-style blowjob, complete with our sensitive hero demonstrating his good hair grip technique:

submissive blowjob cartoon by bill ward

Is that a medallion nestled in his chest hair?

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Construction Site Sex Toon

Saturday, October 9th, 2004 -- by Bacchus

It’s been awhile since I’ve put up a good bit of cartoonish sex art. This 1970s-looking illustration has a rough sex “she’s in deeper than she expected, but still game” feel to it, reinforced by the construction-worker cad who can’t be bothered to remove his hard-hat:

rough sex cartoon

Found this one on Usenet.

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Saturday Sex Picture: Hair-Pulling Sex

Saturday, August 28th, 2004 -- by Bacchus

A gratuitous sex picture to brighten your weekend, courtesy of Real Fucking Couples:

hair-pulling sex

Isn’t that some hot sexual hair pulling?

Note: Real Fucking Couples is defunct and no longer exists, but it was an early effort to go vanilla/mainstream by the company that became

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