
The Sex Blog Of Record

Pinup Ama

Thursday, March 18th, 2010 -- by Bacchus

Remember when I showed you the black and white photos of ama, which are/were the Japanese topless pearl and sponge divers? It’s no surprise that more modern pinup photography in Japan would still make use of this cultural trope, but I was nonetheless delighted to find this lovely color ama vision:

topless ama pinup girl


Mankind’s Greatest Pinch

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009 -- by Dr. Faustus

There are many pleasures to reading Agnès Giard’s L’imaginaire érotique au Japon, but I think the one I like best is finding artists I’ve never heard of before. The one I want to share today is Kiyoaki Kanai, a painter with a lush classical style and a decided taste for kink. With due warning that some stuff there might be a little harsh for some tastes, and also the the Japanese-language linkage might be hard to follow, I can strongly recommend his site and provide herein some of the nicer samples therefrom. As Giard quite rightly remarks, “son art est populaire, épique, visuellement frappant.”

Starting on the relatively vanilla side, Kanai imagines a near-future version of the Summer Olympics to which certain… improvements have been made:

nude woman running the olypmic torch

Even I might watch.

But of course much of Kanai’s work indulges a taste for bondage, often in fantasy or “historical” settings.

roman slave girl in public bondage -- art by Kanai

Mad science? Possibly with a little bit of ASFR flavoring? Check.

mad scientist makes robot girl

You can see how this artist managed to catch my eye.

And Kanai certainly has no fear of being even weirder. I must say I had a tricky (if hardly unpleasant) time trying to imagine the sequence of events that led up to whatever is going on in this painting:

wars among the giantesses

There’s Japanese text on the accompanying index page but sadly I don’t read Japanese, and this is what came back from Google translate:

With the outcome, “Solis” is far away from the universe’s super heroine came to earth to protect the peace.

Formidable opponent this time, but the fate of Darisu Solis Witch of the universe, accompanied by his dogs came a nasty slider evil octopus impundulu Passerat and space.

Solis Darisu defeat the purpose, is to conquer the Earth. Tokyo has already become a sea of fire, mankind’s greatest pinch!

Squirrel-Soviet and lose! Solis with the outcome!

“Mankind’s greatest pinch!” Sounds rather painful.

I hope we don’t have to wait too long before Google translate manifests certain… improvements.


East Meets West

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009 -- by Dr. Faustus

Browsing through some more of Jasper Sharp’s Behind the Pink Curtain this lovely weekend I came across a discussion of Sachiko Hamano, who is an unusual figure in that she is not only a woman director of Japanese “pink” films, but also describes herself as a feminist. Sharp thoughtfully includes an image from her immense (possibly as many as 300-film) oeuvre:

nude shower sex scene

That’s actress Yukari Sakurada, seen engaged in interesting activities in the shower, in the even more interestingly-titled Greedy Housewives 2: Take Me to Heaven Technique (2003).

There follows a curious discussion of whether Hamano’s work can really be called anything like feminist, given that it (according to Sharp, anyway) is more raunchy even than standard pink fare, whether the fact that Hamano’s heroines are highly aggressive, perhaps even insatiable, somehow makes up for this, etc. etc.

All this film-criticism splooge went more or less right over my head though, because all I could think of was this:

Uschi Digard shower sex scene

That’s Uschi Digard in the shower, as seen in every teenage boy’s favorite, the “Catholic High School Girls in Trouble” segment of Kentucky Fried Movie (1977).

Some ideas just have a universal appeal, I guess.

Postscript: I wonder if anyone is ever going to attempt to make Catholic High School Girls in Trouble.


Tentacle Sex, With Suckers

Sunday, December 28th, 2008 -- by Bacchus

Another reader contribution. The artist is Moriguchi and it comes via a scan from a book called L’imaginaire Erotique Au Japon by Agnes Giard:

tentacle sex octopus style

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