Sixty Shades Of Provenance

Wednesday, November 26th, 2014 -- by Bacchus


Some while back my good friend and erstwhile co-blogger Dr. Faustus shelled out what struck me as a generous wad of cash, and commissioned from me a set of sixty-plus research gigs (somewhat like the ones I offer on Fiverr) in connection with unattributed images that he had reblogged at one point or another on his Erotic Mad Science tumblr. As he explains here on his main Erotic Mad Science blog, he’s decided to post them all, over the Thanksgiving holiday, at the rate of one every two hours.

The series is already appearing on his Hedonix sister site, where he started posting them at noon yesterday (Tuesday). Thus, you can see the first ones already. Faustus has a great eye for imagery, the research was a lot of fun, and I think most ErosBlog readers will enjoy the whole series.

(The sexy research librarian image at the top of this post was not part of the commission. It’s a somewhat-modified detail from a vintage Hanes underwear commercial found here.)

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