Update On $5 Porn Research Gigs
Hey, everybody. It’s been a while since anybody ordered any of my $5 porn research gigs on Fiverr, which I realize is probably because the posts where I announced them have scrolled away into the deep archives. But I found doing them a lot of fun. My customers, too, seemed to enjoy the results, and why not? Where else in this world can you get your own $5.00 porn concierge doing deep web searches on your erotic behalf?
So I’ve thrown up some more visible links in the left sidebar. Just to refresh your memory, I’ve got two deals going. In the porn attribution research gig, I make best efforts to identify the source of any erotic image you nominate. (There is no guarantee of success but my success rate at finding at least some provenance is quite high.) In the Rule 34 research gig, the game is that I prove that there “is porn of it” (“it” being whatever you like) and if I can’t find an example, I create one — typically in the form of a dirty limerick. (I haven’t had to write a limerick yet.)
It’s cheap and it’s fun. What’s not to like?
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