Warren G. Harding’s Love Poetry

Thursday, July 10th, 2014 -- by Bacchus

The New York Times has published excerpts from the salacious letters Warren G. Harding was in the habit of sending to his mistress before he became president. Among the letters was this rather heated poem of love and lust, from 1912:

I love your poise
Of perfect thighs
When they hold me
in paradise . . .

I love the rose
Your garden grows
Love seashell pink
That over it glows

I love to suck
Your breath away
I love to cling –
There long to stay . . .

I love you garb’d
But naked more
Love your beauty
To thus adore . . .

I love you when
You open eyes
And mouth and arms
And cradling thighs . . .

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