Here are some of the “handful of interesting propositions” that Babs has gotten:

In a dorm room: “Can I take off my boots and stay a while?”

While working at a diner: “So, do you like to drink beer and listen to polka music?”

While working at a resort: “I like really young girls, but I need to keep it legal. So, how old are you?”

In Moscow: “You know, I’m looking for a wife.”

In Wisconsin: “Do you wanna go south of the border?” (Babs’ reply: “It’s a long way to Mexico, honey.”)

I have seen women making the point on Twitter more recently: they deal with a constant background noise of mostly-unwelcome propositions that most men have no idea about.

This vintage blog post comes, via the Internet Archive, from Sure Things Babs; it dates to 2001.

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