a sex machine and vr visor give our libidinous young lady an alien-fetish orgy of huge dicks and tentacles

Living as we do in a world with virtual reality porn options for every conceivable taste but not yet the ubiquitous availability of VR headsets and visors in every home, I find myself fascinated with artistic imaginings of how VR porn will be used and enjoyed when the technological buildout is complete. In particular, what will VR porn enjoyment look like when it’s casually available in every bedroom? For the answer, I must turn, as I so often do, to my favorite trove of sociological data on the popular sexual imagination: hentai porn!

cowgirl sex with his virtual reality dream girl

There’s an unkind stereotype of porn-enjoyers generally that focuses on young men with a lot of libido and not so many social skills. This conception completely ignores — in my view, unjustly — the legions of women who view and enjoy porn. Likewise, in the virtual reality space, there’s a modicum of technical wankery required to set up a VR visor and feed suitably-packaged porn through it. Thus the stereotyped VR porn user is specifically thought to be a gadget-obsessed young man.

vr fantasy cowgirl sex dream

That dubious stereotype is a poor fit for this bright new world we inhabit. It’s now the era of gamer girls, nerdy babes, and women of all ages whose technical chops are second to no man’s.

stuffing her pussy with a dildo while watching vr porn

On no evidence whatsoever, I propose and believe that the privacy and safety of VR simulation-space will massively appeal to women to a greater degree than is currently apprehended by the (still mostly male) industrial oligarchs of the porn business. In the same way that the market for women’s erotic literature absolutely exploded after the invention of the e-book reader made that product more private and discreet, I expect there will be an explosion in VR porn viewing when the hardware is in every house and there’s enough non-porn uses for it that the presence of the gear is unremarkable.

grabbed from behind by her virtual reality lover

Of course, privacy is relative. An elaborate setup of masturbation aids, like the lady with the industrial-strength dildo-jacking sex machine at the top of the post, pretty much demands a room with a door that locks plus a pretty good excuse to be in there for long enough to set up, use, take down, and clean up the equipment. Sure, one always wants a locking door, but a cheery “Just a minute, dear!” usually buys enough time to stuff the personal massager in a drawer and pull on some sweatpants:

hatachi wank for a woman in vr land

I’m really looking forward to watching the sociology of this (to the extent these highly-private scenes are ever culturally visible) as VR continues its technological buildout.

after the virtual reality orgasm for this female masturbator

Image credits, starting from the top: The enthusiastic masturbator with the sex machine and the VR dicks-orgy fantasy life is by Malcontentus. The dude being ridden cowgirl-style in his VR headset is by Laundrymom. The other dude being ridden cowgirl-style by his VR lover is by Ksen. The woman stuffing herself with a big dildo as she enjoys VR porn is by Hizzacked. The big-breasted lady lost in a VR dream of being grabbed from behind by a burly lover is by 春夏秋冬 鈴(ヒトトセリン). The squirting Hitachi fan with the unknown porn playing on her visor is by Jiffic. And the post-orgasmic woman just coming out of her VR fantasy is by ScruffyTurtles.

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