June 2nd, 2003 -- by Bacchus
In Which Bacchus Switches To First Person
Enough is enough.
When I started this blog eight months ago I decided to use the pseudonym “Bacchus” in an effort to enjoy, while it lasts, the thin and temporary anonymity that pseudonymous blogging provides. But, for some reason I never quite managed to articulate to myself, from the beginning I referred to my Bacchus persona in the third person.
I’m going to keep the pseudonym for the nonce. But the third person business has got to go. It leads to excessive use of passive constructions and other perverted crimes against literacy. And, more importantly, it makes it bloody hard to express an unequivocal opinion.
I’ll see how it goes.
This entry was posted on Monday, June 2nd, 2003 at 8:42 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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[…] day too late, I learn a new vocabulary word that I sorely needed for the title of this post. Thanks, of course, to Eugene […]