First, a friendly Erosblog public service announcement for those who might have missed it. Rori, formerly of One Girl’s Life, has changed her blog home to Tuckle Rori. Hope you’re feeling better soon, sweetie! (And could we persuade you to share an explanation of what “tuckle” means? :) )

In catching up with her, I discovered another item that was instantly put on my “I want it!” list: Cock O’lada.

What is Cock O’lada? I’m not sure, really. The web site for the product is in German, which I cannot read. But check out this picture:

Cock O'lada Girl

I agree with Rori, that swigging on this while cruising down the highway would be lots of fun. Or pulling it out of my backpack while hiking or biking, and taking a good long pull on it while others gape.

The Cock O’lada web site says that it’s “TropicErotic” flavored–fruit punch. Does “ohne” mean it does or doesn’t have alcohol?

If that doesn’t sound good, you can get other flavors; they come in different-colored cocktubes:


Or maybe those contain substances other than drinks…what would flavors called “Dark Glide” and “Hello Pussy” taste like?? Translation of the page into English (the link says their English page is “coming soon!”), anyone?