Halle Berry, Screw You Too
I give up.
I never understood why everyone crapped all over the movie “Catwoman”. Maybe it’s because I was never a comic book fan and don’t understand the aesthetic. It was a light, silly action flick designed to show a lot of Halley Berry in leather, and it delivered. Fluff, sure, but who expects anything else from a comic book movie?
I guess I’ll have to stop saying “I thought it was pretty decent, for what it was.” Because Halle Berry herself has called it a “piece of shit.” If she can’t be bothered to be proud of the spectacle she presents in a leather catsuit (who, I ask you, bought a ticket for any other reason?) then I guess it’s not worth wasting any more fan loyalty on her.
Gratuitous pic of Halle Berry wearing a bondage collar:
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Great shot! Where’d you find it??
Lol, I need to get a macro that says this, so I can stop typing it: “If I knew where I got a picture, there’s be a link credit already.”
This picure was published in Esquire, but I can’t tell you how the .jpg got on my hard drive.
I suppose eeven the best make mistakes now and then. :-)
“Fluff, sure, but who expects anything else from a comic book movie?”
Two groups:
1. Fans who know comics are capable of being more than fluff. (But these are usually forgiving of those that choose to BE fluff.)
2. Fanboys that take the fluff too seriously. (And would probably bitch about any comic book movie, even if they have to sink to coplaining about not getting to flip the pages thamselves.)
I took my 11 year old son to see Catwoman last year and asked him afterward if he liked it. “Yeah!”, he said. So I asked what he liked best about it… “Halle Berry in the cat suit!”.
well, the movies was a disappointment from the comic book standpoint only because the comic version was so complicated and interesting. i have no complaints about halle’s lush looks–i do think her face and figure is perfect enough to do justice to catwoman’s legendary beauty. but did it have to be so cheesy? movies with beautiful, well written, complicated heroines are hard to find, much less ones that star an oscar winner. expectations are higher now that she’s won her golden man, and it’s not acceptable for her to “mail it in” anymore. maybe she would face less criticism and ridicule if the public’s expectations of her talent remained low. but after the oscars, it’s fair to expect some modicum of good acting in any movie she makes, even if it is only an action film. i’m a big fan of hers as well, but catwoman was just really awful. i guess i’d rather see her look hot in a good movie than see her look hot in a bad movie.
Can I stand up for the comic geeks?, as one myself (and someone doing a PhD in comic-book movies),and point out that Catwoman is not technically a comic book movie, apart from the name and image it has no connection to any catwoman in dc comics and was specifically written for the screen.
I would have found it hard to appreciate the visuals, the shots I saw often had the camera bouncing around more than berry did.
I think halle has pretty much gone down hill. She might as well start doing b-movies.
Halle Berry is a dumbass.
Nobody gave her the time of day until she started doing nude scenes in her movies, and then all of a sudden she’s a great actress?
And then when she got to the top (thanks only to her tits), she starts playing the “I’m too good for that” card.
Good riddance to her!