March 22nd, 2005 -- by Bacchus
Anal Sex Video That Will Make Your Jaw Drop
…her mother said “Nelly,
there’s more in your belly
than ever went in by your mouth!”
This next link, when clicked, delivers a grainy postage-stamp-sized anal sex video, an extremely explicit one. That’s all the warning you are going to get:
Thanks (I think) to Marylu for emailing the link.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2005 at 10:45 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can skip to the end and leave a response.
Shorter URL for sharing:
Shorter URL for sharing:
Yeah. From this link, it is clear that you use IE. Stop! Use Firefox like the rest of the civilized world – it’s standards-compliant, sexier, easier to use, and gives you better erections.
It’s easy enough to download the MPG in IE, and it would make a lot more sense to download it and then host it here, or at least provide a direct link to the MPG file instead of some poorly-made IE-only site. Internet Explorer is t3h sux0rz!
What is it about geek evangelists, that they always have to be so insufferably *rude*?
Sorry geekboyz, but 80% of my readers (according to my stats) are still using some flavor of IE. I have to use it so that I’ll see what they see. I do have Firefox, and like it, but it does me no good to use a browser that doesn’t render pages the way my readers will be seeing them.
Hint for the future: rudeness is not the way to get converts.
My man uses Foxfire and he lasts for hours. Sexy.
Note: If you ever experience an errection that last for more than 6 hours while using Foxfire, consult your doctor immediately.
..Oh my god.
What was that thing, like two feet long? Impressive to say the least…
That can’t be healthy. I mean, what’s it doing to your intestines. Separately, agree re Foxfire rudeness.
yuck! atfirst the plain anal sex was hot… but when that dildo came out… :(
god damn, my insides hurt just from watching that!
At least now we know exactly how much room a human has got in there so we know how much stuff we can pack in to sneak past security… :crazy:
Damn, I’m sending that to my backdoor boyfriend!
Oh. My. God. :O
It’s like the scariest “magician pulling the scarfs from his sleeve” ever.
I am scarred for life.
(Actually, I thought “shit” was exactly what I was going to see…then I thought to myself, “hotdog?”…then I thought, “human clown car?”)
I like the way they add insult to injury by doubling up at the end.
Er… rudeness? Man. My bad, guys. I actually intended that post as ironic and humorous, because obviously most people use Iexplore (so the whole ‘civilized world thing was a joke’). That’s why I followed it with the ‘better erections’ thing too. I can definitely see how you interpreted it as rude, but I definitely did not intend it as such, and I apologize.
My larger point was that the site you’re linking to is poorly designed (i.e. not standards compliant) and so I was trying to help point out that it was possible to save the mpg or link directly to it.
That’s really interesting, though. On slashdot, it’d be obvious that my post was intended as a joke – I didn’t realize there are actually geek douche bags who are dicks about things like browsers. I wonder if they realize they accomplish nothing. Not that I accomplished much with my un-proofread ambiguous post… :-)
Sorry, it won’t happen again.
Apology accepted, Jesus, if you’ll accept mine in turn. I think the comment above yours soured my ability to detect humor.
there doesn’t appear to be any video on that link…
nevermind. I figured out it needs the craptacular IE to see it. Lame.
Bacchus, I wasn’t knocking your site at all in my second comment. It was merely a comment on the other sites coding. Though, it would have been nice if there was a note somewhere saying that it requires IE to view. It would have saved me the trouble of using THREE different browsers to try and view it. And fyi, the fact that a site is written exclusively for IE is lame, at least for me. Considering I use Safari and Firefox, and manage to access about 99% of sites out there with no problems, and throw in the fact that IE mac has been unsupported for about 3years, it seems pretty lame to me.
Having said all that, that is easily one of the most outrageous clips I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen a lot, but that clip is in a class by itself.
Hey, Rip, if your beef was with the other site, why did you leave your unpleasant comments here instead of sending them there?
I’m sorry you were inconvenienced by your choice of a superior-but-not-mainstream browser. But I really think you’d be better off trying to pursuade the world to join you, than bitching unpleasantly when it hasn’t.
Tell me again, exactly, how I was supposed to know that site wouldn’t display in your browser, which I don’t routinely use, on your platform, which I don’t have?
goodeye, why would you cringe more if it was a man? Wouldn’t it hurt/feel good the same if it was a woman?
And yes, I too was expecting to see some poo, given the warning, but my god! That person has GOT to feel that in the morning!
yes – same problem (or luck?) here – firefox and nothing to see… But I went and checked out the website anyway. And just about passed out laughing about “dark party” thing. Beautiful asian woman against not so beautiful gay guy. No offense meant – read for yourself!
(sorry for the bad accent – english is not my mother tongue) ;)
maybe you should relax a little. Seems like your reading a lot into comments. I am not interested in converting people to my brower or platform choice. Frankly I could care less what you or other people use. If it works for you and your happy, knock yourself out. I’m sorry if you find it unpleasant that I don’t care for IE(a very common thing among mac-users given that its abandon-ware).
I just commented on my experience with the link that you reported and posted. My apologies if I’ve misunderstood the purpose of comment section. In hindsight maybe I should have just left it at “the link doesn’t have any video” rather than point out what the actual problem is.
Anyway, whatever. Pointless discussion about this. Peace out.
I don’t find it unpleasant that you don’t care for IE. I find it unpleasant that you bitch about IE in my comments. I only have one rule for these comments: be polite. If you can’t do that, please don’t comment. If you do break that rule, expect me to call you on it. And when I do call you on it, telling me to “relax” will not be well received.
In hindsight, I should have simply deleted your comments as not meeting my “be polite” policy, instead of responding. Next time, I guess I will.
Copy and paste the following link to your download manager to download the clip for offline viewing. Better quality and you can resize it to full screen.
Hi Bacchus, this is not intended to fuel the flamage or anything and certainly not intending to be impolite. Just wanted to point out that rip’s original comments were useful to me (and presumably other Firefox users). Without the heads-up that it was an IE-only link I’d have assumed the video had been removed. So the comment did, for me at least, improve the usefulness of your page. Which I’d say was a good thing for you.
If you’re not going to check for browser compatibility in linked pages (and that’s probably more work than is justified given that such pages are few and far between) then a user-base who do, and who point out such things when they arise both saves you and your readers work.
That’s me done being a vocal minority and back to quiet, respectful readership.
Hey, J. Your point is well taken, and partly explain why I didn’t delete the comments. However, I don’t see any profound reason why that input couldn’t have been made in the more positive tone that I strive for in the ErosBlog comments. How tough would it have been to give a helpful heads up without using words like “lame” and “craptacular” to refer to my choice of links and/or the browser my readers mostly prefer? I’m just saying.
Not sure if you’d WANT to resize that to full screen!!
Very, um, interesting movie…
holy shit
Hi Rae, i wrote while still viewing, and was just still in my initial shock at the scarves-up-the-sleeve scene! i’m sure it would be quite the feeling for anyone – i just meant that i was watching from the top, and when i noticed it was a man, it just flipped my mind around to receiver. i watched it again (take it from the top?) and THEN felt it the other way :O i assume my wife isn’t going to want to try THIS one on me….
Really, if you’re going to look (and keep in mind, you might want some Brain Bleach TM after) keep it in the small size. Then you can decide if you want to look again at larger size. Just my advice. Because…
Oh. My. God! :O
I…er…uh. I am speechless. Possibly scarred for life.
Holy Guacamole, Batman!
If I’m not mistaken, are those balls hanging down? I.e., (that is, not IE :rolleyes: ) is that a guy? If so, I’m now cringing at the taking, instead of the giving….
Which was why I recommended a full screen view. It took me quite a while to realise the receiver was a man.
Holy shit! The receiver must have had years of practice before attempting something like that, or else some serious internal damage would have resulted. Even if that was very soft rubber (which I doubt), that has got to do a number on your lower intestines. :O :O :O :O
I am frightened. :plain:
wow wow wow wow. just the cock would suit me fine.
:( I could not get it to load.
Just when I was thinking a diet coke and some explicit anal sex would be just what the doctor ordered.
Goodeye. I think its a vibrator or some other sex toy in her vagina hanging down… so shes got the dildo, the dick and another toy in her pussy. :confused:
it’s not a Her, it’s a HIm. It’s a Very long double-ended dildo.
Holy Shiza!
I saw this a while ago but the link’s broken now, does anyone still have it?