April 13th, 2005 -- by Bacchus
Sex Blog Advice From Violet Blue
Violet Blue has been looking at a lot of sex blogs lately, and she’s posted a nifty list of advices for sex bloggers. I don’t agree with everything she posted, but most of her observations are right on target. Especially:
And do take a look at other sex blogs — everyone is using the same three Blogger templates these days, so unless you want to be confused with “cumsucker99: diary of a demure ding-dong escort,” see what isn’t being done and do that instead.
Please, oh please, customize your template, even if all you do is change the background color a bit.
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=1237
Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=1237
Wondeful post by Violet Blue. I think I haven’t read anything so true, or so funny, in a long time.
Toying around with my template taught me all kinds of nice geeky things about html. Thank god for the “preview” button, though.
Also, for some reason seeing me hunched over my laptop, swearing as I see my sidebar slump to the bottom of the screen AGAIN, makes the boyfriend horny. The inner geek in us both, I guess :)
I thought all self-respecting sex bloggers abandoned blogger ages ago?
Brett, you don’t need any bog-standard Blogger templates, though. Your site shows just what can be done with Blogger.
Oh yeah, and ESC – the joy of template tinkering…I know just what you mean!
(Had fun today, I see.)
Personally I was glad to get away from Blogger altogether and use WordPress.
Content is the main thing, of course, but yes, customising your template has to be a good thing.
I agree – standard blogger templates pretty much suck.
I use blogger.com to post stuff to my blog, but have my own domain name, host it on another non-blogger.com server, and actually BOUGHT a template to use & tweak, etc.
thanx for your advise
On the other hand, I was really pleased when Blogger started offering some nice new templates. I think that a regularly-updated selection of stock templates is the best we can hope for on the skin-front.
Brett, you are probably right. Unfortunately a bunch of the new blogger templates are butt ugly, especially the ones that try to have fully-justified text. Browsers just don’t render that well enough, and it ends up looking really horrid (and hard to read).
To be perfectly honest, Brett, I don’t usually like sites with light text on black background, but with your site it works well. Your template just seems to fit you perfectly and I can’t imagine your site being any other way.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Ed! People often disagree with other’s skin-choices, so I’ll cheerfully support anything readable. I’d use something brighter myself if more than a couple people had complained, but black with white/cyan/blue is “where I’m from” computer-wise — old early-90’s ANSI BBS-culture style. It’s my *roots*, you know?
Besides, templates are inextricably linked to layout of and length within *the posts*. The basic bricks of a blog are posts of reasonable length and aesthetically pleasing proportions, IMO, and that’s what I care more about. It’s perhaps a weakness of the medium that brevity is so underrated and shapeless bocks of text so tolerated. So, despite the best of intentions, it’s hard for me to follow and enjoy a blog featuring dense style or lengthy posts of uninterrupted text. Poetry, novels and erotica I own already. ;)