Phear The Magic Comment Bunny
I am jealous to learn that the pornified krewe at has outsourced its comment moderation to a magic comment bunny:
Every first-time comment is sucked through teh tubes to our underwater IP farm, where it is read by an adorable little bunny who lives inside our databases and eats rainbows for breakfast. If the bunny is pleased by your offering, your username, password, and comment are approved….
Here’s the thing, though: the bunny does not like silly, pointless, or generally uninteresting comments. In other words, you gotta bring something to the table. It’s hard to say exactly what it takes to get your comment approved–let’s just say we know a good comment when we see one–but it’s much easier to pinpoint the strategies that are virtually guaranteed to keep you on the wrong side of the velvet rope.
So we’ve broken them down for you here, so that you will stop wasting your bandwidth trying to concoct the 547th iteration of that old chestnut, “I’d hit it.” If you’re reading Fleshbot, it is assumed that you “love girls,” “love cock,” “love sexxxxx,” and/or “like to fuck,” so it isn’t really necessary for you take time out of you busy schedule to fill out a comment form and tell us that fact.
If you follow the link, you’ll see sample comments that have displeased the bunny. Those sample comments are real, I see similar every day so you don’t have to.
I need a bunny.
Shorter URL for sharing:
Wow, there’s a marketing niche! There could also be Magic Club Bunnies: An attractive woman goes to a club with a rainbow-powered bunny who eats anyone who doesn’t come up with something more enlightening or engaging than “Nice rack” in the first 2 minutes of conversation. Automatic eating is also for those who grope without permission, men who only talk about their sexual prowess, and anyone who mocks my drink ;-)
Magic Restaurant Bunny: Eats anyone rude to the server, complaining about the type of food, or arguing company policy with the staff.
… oh how the list could go on.
I love the comment bunny!
(not a comment on the magic bunny…)
May I state that your sponsor,, is a breath of fresh air? Their site is joyful; the models appear to be performing for their own fun, not acting out the director’s fantasies. I know that Bacchus enjoys B&D, but this is a more common male fetish than female desire (in my experience…) Here’s to Abby Winter for letting girls have fun being girls.
Prof. Mark, I’m pleased to have the new sponsor, I’ve admired their work for quite awhile.
Would quibble a bit with you about the gender distribution of BDSM fetishes, though. I don’t have any more data than you do, but “in my experience” there are lots and lots of women out there with BDSM interest, perhaps even more women than men.
Here’s an experiment for you. Pick twenty sex blogs at random. Select out the ones that discuss BDSM in a positive way. How many are written by women?
Hi Bacchus: For the record, I am voicing no disapproval here. If everyone involved is doing what they want, they should keep at it. People who enjoy BDSM (hopefully) find partners who like it as well. I am glad that some of these women are able to share their interest. We need another Kinsey study to find out preference by gender, though. Otherwise we are both working primarily on intuition.
Keep up your good work.