April 8th, 2009 -- by Bacchus
Bride, By Toilet
Ever since the internet opened for me that vast and still largely-unexplored cultural frontier that is Japanese porn, I have been having moments of wonder and puzzlement. (At other times, retching; but with a few notable exceptions — *cough* eels *cough* — I try not to share those.)
This picture is pretty. But, er, the toilet?
Via alt. binaries. pictures. erotica. asian.
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=3279
Strange. It seems rather connotative of, I don’t know, maybe a rough night of too much drinking at the reception? Hmmm.
Worst. Set designer. Ever.
(alternate title)
Laziest. Porn Photographer. Ever.
I mean, I’m assuming the toilet is in the shot due to laziness, and not due to some sort of symbolic coprophilia, if that’s the phrase. If the latter, I’m filing this under “least intriguing kink this week”.
Actually, the more I look at this, the more I’m inclined to see it as a work of art: the kind of art that takes something beautiful and cool and sexy, and sucks the fun out of it with squicky juxtaposition. If that’s what’s going on there: nice attitude towards marriage, pal.
What little I know about the kinky side of Japanese culture, I can’t help but believe the toilet is in the shot intentionally. Why? Perhaps a twisted commentary on marriage as Seb suggests. More likely something far more bent and disturbing.
It would be interesting to see other pictures in this set, determine whether the toilet is intentional or not (plus, she’s kinda cute! :) )