Female Ejaculation, In New Scientist
I have friends in academia who consider New Scientist the best of the popular science magazines, and I’ll admit, the magazine seems to do some very professional science writing. This is the first bit of popular journalism I’ve seen that treats the subject of female ejaculation as a matter of scientific interest, rather than as a sexual curiosity to be tittered at, or, worse, denied outright. (So common is this inevitably male denial that almost every time the subject has come up at ErosBlog, some guy has failed to get an “it’s just pee” comment through moderation, that assertion being a tidbit of sexual ignorance so profound that I’ve decided I won’t be a party to spreading it, even as a mere publisher.)
The New Scientist article is not perfect, but it’s the first thing I’ve read on the subject in years that successfully conveys all that remains unknown about female ejaculation (lots and lots) without surrendering unto ignorance that which is known, by scientists or by anybody with first-hand experience and a functioning set of senses.
From the article, two paragraphs about the historical pedigree of the discussion:
Many historical texts, such as the Kama Sutra, spoke about female “semen”, as did writers, including the Greek physician Hippocrates. Sometimes the writers may have been referring to everyday vaginal secretions, which increase during sexual arousal. However, there are several references to something more akin to ejaculation. In the 17th century, the Dutch physician and anatomist Regnier De Graaf spoke of “liquid as usually comes from the pudenda in one gush”.
In the last century, Ernst Gräfenberg, the German doctor who gave his name to the controversial G spot, drew attention to female ejaculation in a 1950 paper published in The International Journal of Sexology. “This convulsory expulsion of fluids occurs always at the acme of orgasm and simultaneously with it,” he wrote. “Occasionally the production of fluids is so profuse that a large towel has to be spread under the woman to prevent the bed sheets getting soiled.”
Link credit: Sexoteric.
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Thank you very much for this post, I will be referring to New Scientist for more, and it is nice to see a publication taking it seriously.
I must admit though, I am an oddity. I don’t tend to generate much fluid of any kind, and to date, there are only three men who can make me ejaculate… the odd thing is that it can only be done through vaginal stimulation, and I only ever have clitoral orgasms. How is it that I ejaculate without coming…? And believe me, it is not an orgasm. I would know…
I’m a regular New Scintist Subscriber and am amased and overjoyed in the fussion of my two loves of Erosblog and New Scientist. This article was one of those few times where me and my girlfriend could sit together and avidly read a scince article.
Finally a mature and scientific investigation! I think it smacks of the victorian ‘hysteria’ diagnosis when the ever male world of science continues to deny or ignore this fascinating phenomenon. Thanks for letting me know!
This is so interesting! I am surprised, given the nature of interest in this phenomena, that it hasn’t been further investigated.
I suppose lots of women throughout history have been left wondering what that was all about.
Perhaps I am on the forefront of a new generation of ladies who know exactly what happened there instead.
Maisie, I have also found that the female ejaculation is NOT necessarily concurrent with orgasm. And yes, it seems to be much more dependent on vaginal stimulation, particularly (for me) stimulation of the very entrance of the V, rather than the G-spot or clit.
On a recent occasion I was already at least a minute into post-coital/post-orgasmic bliss, with my lover still inside me but not moving when we both were startled by a delayed and copious hot gushing. The look on my lover’s face was priceless and I actually LOL’d. It was not accompanied by any contractions, orgasmic or otherwise, simply a release. Delicious release… :)