February 2nd, 2010 -- by Bacchus
Vaginal Maintenance
There are some odd synchronicities in the life of a sex blogger. One moment, I’m following a link from Violet Blue about women who maintain their vaginas with Agent Orange, surgical lasers, and unsweetened beverage mix; the next, I’m looking at vintage erotic photography on Usenet and realizing that there’s a connection:
What’s the connection? This just keeps getting weirder, but the connection is my mother, may she rest in peace. She was a big believer in the power of soap and water. I can still hear her voice in my head from thirty years ago, telling my sisters: “Soap and water and a clean wash rag, that’s all you need!”
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Shorter URL for sharing: https://www.erosblog.com/?p=4527
Smart woman.
Oh dear me, if you can look at that and think of your dear mother, you have some issues. But then you knew that, didn’t you?
Uh, alex, you weren’t exactly following the chain of thought, were you? Try and keep up, please!
Oh, I was, but the part where it ran by your mother… I mean, mine went nowhere near mine… ;-)
Truer words were never spoken. And it’s a pity how many women miss the obvious – a little scent goes a long way.